Big Win in Shareholder Lawsuit

November 28, 2012 by  
Filed under What Clients Say

Thanks to David Newdorf and his team, I was able to achieve an attractive settlement on a recent securities litigation issue. He provided good advice along the way and kept my interests as the ultimate priority. His experience in working for and against big companies and understanding their typical behavior was instrumental in developing and executing on a good legal strategy.
– Kevin M.

Thank you, Kevin. There’s nothing I like more than winning for a client.

About the case: An Internet company going through an IPO breached its Stock Purchase Agreement with Kevin. The company denied any responsibility for the substantial loss caused by the breach. After filing a lawsuit, we were able to reach an attractive settlement that included compensation for his loss, interest, attorney’s fees and costs. After payment of all fees and costs, Kevin recovered 91 cents on the dollar, an unusually high yield.

Of course, keep in mind that Kevin’s results and his testimonial do not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or
prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter. But I can guarantee that I work hard to obtain the best result for each and every client.

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