Announcing Newdorf Legal, The Law Firm

July 14, 2008 by  
Filed under News

Newdorf Legal Law Firm Logo
First, there was Newdorf Legal, the blog.  Now, there is Newdorf Legal, the law firm.  I am pleased to announce the formation of my law firm, Newdorf Legal, as of July 14, 2008.  I am continuing my practice in civil litigation in the state and federal trial and appellate courts.  I represent business and public entities in complex commerical disputes, class actions, and civil rights litigation.

My office is located in the heart of San Francisco’s financial district.  For more information about Newdorf Legal’s services for individuals, businesses and public entities, visit my law firm website at, or call me at 415-357-1234.

For all of your litigation questions, contact Newdorf Legal, a San Francisco business litigation law firm.

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